Thursday, May 9, 2013

Queen Sighting

Chillin' on the smoker
After having read more from the NCBA's Mentor Blogs, I decided I should probably check the bees sooner rather than later.  They burned through 8 cups of sugar water in less than 48hours.  Knowing that they don't have a lot of comb built, I wanted to check to be sure the girls aren't crowding the queen out by hoarding syrup.

Newly capped brood & pollen
Inside the hive I found more and deeper comb that I'd seen last weekend.  And as you can see above, a lot of the brood has been capped.  If you look closely you can still see a few larvae.  This was exciting for me to see, as I've been waiting for it to happen.  It also means I'll have my first new bees in the hive soon!

I also wanted to find the queen, if for no other reason just to get a look at her.  I'd been advised that I'd see her by the behavior of the bees around her.  I inspected frames and saw new eggs and new honey.  I am even pretty sure I saw a drone.  Then on my second to last frame, THERE SHE WAS!!

Carniolan Queen Bee in the hive
And I thought, "Oh yeah, how could I miss her.  She's the big black one that all the others get out of the way for."  After I had spotted her it was easy to see how the other bees tried to keep out of her way.

Apis Mellifera Carnica Queen inspecting comb
I could tell she was inspecting the comb for empty cells to lay more eggs in.  She wasn't having much luck, so I'll probably wait a few days before I give them any more syrup.  Hopefully this will slow their storage, and give them time to keep building comb.  It was a huge relief to spot her and a I feel confident I could find her again.

Carniolan Queen Bee
Her big black body made me think of the Xenomorph's in "Alien".

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