Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Super Day

I took the time to get back into the hive today.  I just pulled the top frames to check the brood pattern.  They looked great.  There were lots of larvae on a few frames and a few others had babies emerging.  They seem really healthy!  I was also pleased to see how much comb had been drawn out in the last two weeks.

As I continued pulling frames, I was ecstatic to see two or three frames that were nearly full of capped honey!  I could tell before I even got them out that they were pretty full because they are so heavy!  They are beautiful to hold up in the light and see the bright color. 

I am so pleased with the bees.  They are working so hard and doing so well.  Their spot under the lilacs seems just about perfect as it keeps them shaded, and keeps their flight path in our front yard.  They go right up into the sky in the space between our trees and the lilacs.  Even with 30,000 of them coming and going you really don't notice them.

New super frames being added
I also realized that they only have about three frames to go, so I already need to put on my first super!  And it's not even July yet!  I'm pretty sure we'll have honey to harvest this year!  I went and got the queen excluder and the super frame.  I installed them with 5 small frames.  I'll check the super again before we leave for the Beartooths, and see if they've started on them.  If they have I'll add the rest of the super frames.

A shallow super on top of our growing hive

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