Sunday, January 19, 2014

Mid January Report

Entrance Activity

The bee girls were out this weekend.  It has been so warm the last few days, as in nearly 60.  Pretty toasty for January, and a welcome relief after some of the real cold days we've had.

I'd checked on them several times and was able to hear them in the hive.  So I knew there were some in there, but I was still a bit worried.  I left two extra frames of supers on, to give them the extra honey stores, but I was concerned that it was too much volume for them to have to heat.  So I've been eagerly awaiting a warm day to do a quick inspection.

Carniolan Cutie

Saturday there was a lot of activity at the entrance, and Sunday actually looked busy.  I popped the top of the have and was able to look down in and see some activity.  They seem to be doing great.  I put out some water for them and closed everything back up.  It's fun just to see them out.

A bit later I was getting into our trailer and one of them was pretty determined to fly into one of the photos on it.  I saw her try four times.  There's nothing to forage, but a few were out having a look.  They haven't touched any of the super frames, so they should have plenty of honey, but I should probably research getting a pollen patty put in for them.

Hooray for the bees!

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