Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Inner Covers

Langstroth Hive Inner Cover with Vent
After work tonight I was able to get some inner covers made.  Thanks again to Beesource, I found some great plans for the Langstroth Inner Covers.

I'm starting to make 3 Sets of everything.  I figure this will give me a few extra of the more detailed parts, so I'll have them on hand to be ready for the next swarm.

It takes more time just to get the saws set up than it does to actually cut and assemble it all.  I'm sure if I do enough of these, I'll know how many board feet to rip, and I can do all my 3/8 and 1/4 dadoes in a single pass, so I don't have to keep taking it out and resetting it.

But it's been a joy just to see the parts come together and also to have the tools, and even some scrap 1/4 luan (plywood) in the garage that I can use.

Swarm Bees Bearding on Frankenhive
The Bees seem pretty happy out in Frankenhive for the time being.

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